The Ray White Boys Get the Lippy On for The Girls!
Sooooooo this is what you’ve been waiting for….our boys in bright red lippy. Please sponsor them so they have to keep it on
Esk | Toogoolawah Boomerang Bags Community proudly announces the launch of the handmade baggies in the Esk Friendly Grocer. These bags are handmade by local people from donated materials for everyone to use and reuse and they are completely FREE. Kay Davis said “We encourage everyone to start thinking about their plastic use and make better decisions about plastic bags. As at July 2018 the Esk Friendly Grocer and the Toogoolawah IGA will no longer provide plastic bags; so this is where our Boomerang Bags come in handy. We are starting the education process off early so everybody is ready for the transition. Together we can make a difference”. These gorgeous colourful bags are available at the checkout for you to have your groceries packed. #education#boomerangbags#communityspirit#recycle#banthebag #togetherwecanmakeadifference
Sooooooo this is what you’ve been waiting for….our boys in bright red lippy. Please sponsor them so they have to keep it on
Oh deer…how to spend a Sunday afternoon…one wonders #sundayarvo #somersetregion #ESK #thisisesk #raywhite #LeadersInTheIndustry